Year 1 Assignment Submission Area
Summative assessment is the type of assessment which counts towards your final marks. As this is a professional course you need to attain an overall average of 50% in each module. Further details on how marks are awarded may be found in the 'Award & Assessment Regulations'. The summative assessments are used at the end of each module to ensure that you are able to demonstrate the baseline competencies required from the range of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for a student veterinary nurse at a particular level of the course.
Summative assignments are submitted electronically via the online coursework management system (OCM). Your assignment MUST NOT have your candidate number or name included anywhere on it. Students are not required to submit an additional hard copy.
It is also important that you have read the assessment guide available on the VN Central site regarding presentation and submission of your assignment.
Submissions by email: If you experience any issues in submitting your assignment online you should email with the final version of your assignment. If your email is received after the submission deadline, then your work will be subject to late penalties, per section 7.2 of the 'General Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses'. Students should only submit assignments via email in exceptional circumstances when the online submission site is not working properly. Emailed submissions will not be accepted if students have not tried to submit online or have left insufficient time to do so. In these cases students will simply be redirected to submit via the online system.