Please navigate to the appropriate Graduate Certificate AVN stage below, where you will find assignment / examination submission areas. 

Please note the following;

If you would like to test your submission before uploading the final version here, please refer to the 'Turnitin' checkpoint area.

If you have any queries regarding submission, please contact Yelena D'Attoma or by emailing the Exams Team inbox  

Detailed course information, including the course handbook, course timetable and course team details can be found by clicking this link. 

The Academic Misconduct Procedure will be followed in the case that plagiarism is suspected in a submission. Please refer to the Study Skills webpages, and the 'Academic Writing' area for guidance on how to avoid plagiarism and general academic writing advice.

Penalties for late submission will be applied according to the 'General Assessment Regulations for Taught Courses'.